How Photography Heals and Brings People Together


Being a psychology major I am very interested in various things such as social interaction and mental illnesses. I never really thought photography and my interests would come together but upon searching I found something truly remarkable. I found a blog called Broken Light and this blog encourages people to post pictures about their mental illnesses. Through this process they can vent their emotions and their progress through the lens of a camera (and on a social media website) which I find to be achingly beautiful. One photo that captured my attention was the one I have incorporated in this blog post and I choose to post it because the picture resonates with me. The description states that the individual has suffered from depression and I thought the photograph embodied this emotion in a very deep way.  Throughout my life I have witnessed people in my life battle with mental illnesses and to be given the opportunity to view others creatively tell their stories was emotional for me. I would encourage anyone that has a mental illness to try this method of documentation as a form of venting.

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