Gluten Free Overload


Being gluten free was an alien concept for me just a few months ago and now it is a prominent factor in my everyday life. Over the summer I was told I had a gluten free sensitivity and that I should practice a gluten free lifestyle. At first it was tough but now the thought of having food items with gluten doesn’t really phase me. I have noticed that the label of being gluten free is on numerous amounts of food items and with the high demand of gluten free products, companies are pricing their products with a hefty price tag compared to regular items. I have also noticed the increase of gluten free posts on my Instagram and Facebook which prompts me to believe that many people are adopting this popular diet. I am constantly bombarded with photos of gluten free dishes and baked goods which inspires me to bake since the photos look so delicious! Since being gluten free I have noticed a positive change in my life and I believe it is a diet that everyone should experience.

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